Friday, March 19, 2010


Ladies and Gents-

I have really be thinking about that song Alanis Morrisette sings called Univited. It's basically about a man who is pursuing her and she (in her song) is very honest with him and herself (verse. Like any hot blooded woman , I am flattered by your fascination with me) and it got me to thinking  .  The majority of people now a days are not taught the value of each other.  I really think that is why so many relationships fail. What am I saying.....

I have faults we all do, but I have hidden diamond underneath all that coal so how much harder is it for a guy to dig those up and harvest the diamonds while see the shine through the faults right? Same goes for women. I think there is such a lack of vision and I don't mean "I want to be the best artist in the world" type of vision , I mean the kind of when you meet someone you like that you look at them , really look at them and make a decision at that moment whether or not you want to follow through and base it on the hidden gems .

You may ask, well how can you see all that cause people are fake and blah blah blah. It's not hard ya'll you just have to stop and look. I certainly hope to meet such a man, who's vision is clean and pure and can see the ginormous diamond in me waiting for both of us to find it.  Hopeless romantic am I ...........totally  that is the topic of my next blog see you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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